Seo Discrimination Prevent Clickfraud & Adfraud
Get Better Prevention by Reducing Seo Discrimination - Prevent Clickfraud & Adfraud.
Seodiscrimination. comes from fraudulent behavior on internet against Advertisers and Website Owners they are often victims because of Clickfraud, Adfraud, negative seo, ranking fraud, and many more. ?... Are you sick of searching on internet where you can only find (99.9%) of Sites that representing and produced Adfraud and Clickfraud. These BadBoys have and getting the Best Seo Rankings from the Largest Search Engines. Who Says Money Can't Buy Respect! If you want to start up a Business you will need to promote, so that you can get Real Traffic to your Homepage. But After Years and Years Spending Seo Time and Money you come to the conclusion that nothing does work. Its is All Fake Traffic and Fake Clicks on your ads. We are thinking that this is a Modern Form of Seo Discrimination that Must Changed the Right Way. For Example Adwords in Google Ads or other Companies Must Have the responsibility to inform the Advertiser (Before & not After!) that the High Bounce Rates and Fraudclicks Comes from ClickFarms and Competition Firms and explain simple what they can do to prevent this problem, (saying that it only comes from Low audience or Wrong Ads settings is not enough) Therefore We Advice to Google ads Company and other Companies that will give the same Services to do this, from now on, otherwise Your Company and other Companies Will be in the Future Broken By Massive Judge Claims! you can trust us it will happen.
Seo Discrimination. Google & Other Search Engines Must Have the Responsibility to do more to Prevent Clickfraud & Adfraud.
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Fraud Prevention Finder
Click Fraud Prevention 1.0 Freeware
With Click Fraud Prevention 1.0 Freeware you can two things, the first one is you can find out if a Website or Company is a Scam Company or not, the second is you have a Finder Tool where you can find Click Fraud Prevention Companies. For more info you can Click Here.
How to Download and Start Click Fraud Prevention 1.0 Freeware?
- Step 1 - Download and Unzip
Click-Fraud-Prevention1.0-v?.zip File.
Download the Latest Version Click Fraud Prevention 1.0 Freeware
From Here.
Or from Download Portal Buttons Below
- Step 2 - Run the [Click Fraud Prevention.exe] File.
(No Need to Install) - Step 3 - And you are Ready to Go.
Requirements are:
- Windows System 32/64 Bit (98/xp/vista/7/8/8.1/10)
- Internet.

Clickfraud There are to many Clickfarms Companies, We are not sure that Real People from these Clickfarms will do Manually Clicks on Ads, We have more the Feeling that something else is going on, We can not say they own and controls Local Servers & Local DNS Servers, but what will happen, if these Companies controls some Local Servers or Local DNS Servers over the World. Then they can do from there automatic Ipclickfraud.
Adfraud. Why is it so easy to make money if you are the owner of a Scam Company, and why are these websites with a Bad Reputation Ranked so High in the search Engines. and why is it so difficult if you have a good reputation and you are the Starter or owner of a Good Company or Website to be Ranked High in the Search Engines.
Scam Company. are companies that have a
bad reputation, they say Promote with us and you will get Traffic
from Real People to your Website. but you will get only Bot Traffic
or Fake Traffic
Adwords in Google Ads. Sorry Google but we have to must say, After Years of trying to promote with Google Adwords your Company Have Failed to Prevent Click fraud on Adwords, First this it is a sad thing that the Users or Advertisers not can Contact (by Email with a Real Person) in the Google Support the only thing what Users can do is to Contact with Virtual Helpdesk (feed back) and then the get a answer back with a useless default/standard formular. The Second Thing is ClickFarms are able to do Clicks on ads and we must say That Google Adwords has failed to automatic paying it back for these useless Clicks or useless Traffic to the users or Advertiser. (refunding back who cares) (Google Shame on you, you are Responsibillity in quadrad for indirect Hurting the Economy and Small Business) (From every 1$ Dollar they will get, then the Economy/Business will Losing +-100$ Dollar and the money does not flow/grow) (Small Business Companies can not making money or they stop to existing (Broken by))
Click fraud will cost advertiser a lot of money.
Is Google Adwords in Google Ads a Scam Company
Google Adwords. in google Ads is not a Scam Company but the Clicks on ads are not very useful if the Scam Companies and clickfarms are able and allowed to do automatic generate clicks to these ads. google must prevent these modem mac adresses and ip adresses. they can do that very easy from out Local Servers and local DNS Servers (by temperary Blacklisted/blocked and identified, if these ips does do automatic clicks on ads more 500x clicks in a day)
Tips for Better Prevention on Google Adwords in Google Ads
Seo Discrimination - Scam Company vs Good Business Company
What is Seo Discrimination?
If Bad Companies can have Good Seo Rankings and then can true this, Hurt Good Companies/Advertisers then we can say this is a form of Seo Discrimination . Google search engines and other search engines over the world must stopping doing this.
Scam Company. are companies that have a bad reputation, but the strange thing is they can make more and more money and they grow bigger and bigger and they shout not get rewarded From the Largest Search Engine companies by rank higher on the internet.
Good Business Company. are companies that have a good reputation. But +-75% of them can not get Real Traffic to the Homepage, The reason is they can not find Advertising companies with a good reputation and it is hard to say, but they only find These Scam companies. or they find good Advertising companies and then the Clickfarms and other Scam Companies can do Clickfraud and adfraud by doing Clicks on ads or by driving useless Bot Traffic. we can not understand why Clickfarms and Scam companies does have so many options to doing this, we have doing a Analyse and we come to the conclusion if a Bad Clickfarm make 1.000.000$ profit then the Economy and the Good Companies will Loosing 10x1.000.000$=10.000.000$ we can explain why, [Traffic from Real People does have (Buy/profit Results - money will flow)] & [Bot Traffic does have (No Buy/profit Results - money does not flow)] It is sad to say but seo does not work like it shout be.